Thank you for dropping by. Love you!
Nov 26, 2010
TENsion ?
salam. hye!
da beberape ary x update MR.belog kesayangan aku neh. ary terasa nk posting lak. sminggu datang ke KMK, da macammacam assignment aku dapat. n the date line is next week. nak tanak kena la aku seapkan..aduh duh duhh~~ sakit jiwa gile kot ! projek bi lagi, math lagi, pastu nk study untok quizz lagy. end-up aku masuk spital gile lagaknye. hahaha!
pasal MATH ~
bley imagine tak kalo korang kena wat folio tentang subjek MATH. lebih specific lagy, topic MATRICES !
aduh, da la kena wat lam bahasa melayu, bahasa kebanggaan aku. haha!
pasal BI ~
aku rase cam x puas aty gile. time second sem ni la macammacam axtivity diorang nak wat. memangla nk train cam dok kat u, tapi xyah la bagi task yg dilabel sebagai bodoh oleh aku n rakanrakan. *sory, ayat agak keterlaluan. :DD nk suh wat choral speaking competetion la, survey kt kolej la, product promotion la.. aduhhhhh! kang aku xwat kang, abes burn markah lak.. waa~~
dengan ini diisytiharkan bahawa aku ;
nurnadia fatihah binti shamsudin
sedang STRESS tension TERTEKAN.
somebody help me plis.
plis ask PENGARAH to stop all this nonsense thing.
pape pon,
wish me best of luck guys ;)
enuf dulu.
t8 care.
Nov 20, 2010
selamat untok KAMU ^_~
salam, HYE!
agak lewat untok aku post pasai ni. da nak masuk ary laen da pon..tapi ta kesah la sebab aku da wish awalawal agy kt tuan empunyer diri. HEHE.
ary neh adalah ary ulangtahun DUA orang SAHABAT KESAYANGAN aku.
OK, the first one is NIK AFIQ NASRIN NIK ROSLI.
seorang kawan yang agak gilew2 dan menyengalkan. org klate kate " sumbakk". haha! first aku kenal dye mase form 4, first year dye pindah masuk skolah aku ; smka melor. first tengok agak la menyampah aku ase, sbb cam sombong kot. tp bile da satu kelab (kelab taekwando), kitorang makin close n then kawan sampai skarang. OK, ta nak da cite panjang2..t dye pasan. haha.
![]() |
ni la nik apiqq tg senget. ensem x ? kalo suke, mintak izin ngn sy dulu. huahua~~ |
OK, the second one is NUR ASSYIFAQ M. NAZERI.
aku knal pon mase form 4, new student kt skolah aku. n seingat aku, aku sorang je yang suke panggil die 'assyi'. haha.
xpe,laen dari yang laen..kalo aku xde, mesti dye rndu ngan panggilan tu. hahax~
yg paling xley blah, assyi sememangnye seseorang yg sgt SUKAR untok FAHAM. hahahaha!.
ore klate oyak, 'arial pendek' wakakaka~
maseh lg single n xtaw la available o x. ask her urself lah. hahaha!
OK, time to make a wish. haha!
to both of my beloved frens ~
to both of my beloved frens ~
gudluck n all da best in your life.
may luck be on your side always.
hope we'll friend till forever.
enjoy ur life, no worries till end OK?. haha :D
lastly . I LOVE YOU both damn much. muaxxxxx :)
Nov 19, 2010
EIDul adha ~
salam. hye.
today is da 2nd day fer eidul adha. n i'm not go-wing anywhere. just staying at home, watching da lembu being sembelih, n helping mom out at the kitchen. letih siot kot babe...espeselly time tlg umi aku cuci perut lembu. sumpah lembu lelah kt aku je. haha! tapi 2 kire ok la kan dari dudok aje tgk ore wat keje. tu name die x MEN-cabar. hahax~
sumthing fer sure, aku hepi tp sedih *paradoks* . hepi sbb famili aku sume gather kat umah, then sedih sbb aku d declare kan sbgai temporary BIBIK. eee uu. =p sumpah letih wooo, rase cam xleh nak kire ngan jari bape kali aku kena sapu lantai lam rumah dalam mase se-ary..tapi kalo d fikirfikir-kan baleq, hebat gak ahh aku..wonderWOMAN ? haha. berlagak siot.. =p
malam neh patutnye mak sedara aku from kL datang umah. saje je katenye, nk datang melawat. dye datang klntan sebab esok nk p majlis kawen sape entah. so alangalang tu, nk singgah umah aku kejap. tp tggu pnyer tggu, ta sampaisampai. haha! kejam siot kot. abes berpeluh aku kemas umah :P ermm, cakap pasai kawen ni, rase cam jeles lak tgk orang kawen. aku neh bila la plak eh? *gatai. winkwink ^_~
haha. enuf enuf.
t8 care.
Nov 16, 2010
assalamualaikum. hye !
well, posting fer today is about STALKER. u all taw x ape itu stalker ?
stalker is
1.A person who engages in stalking. Originally meant a tracker and hunter or guide of game.
2.A person who secretly follows someone, sometimes with unlawful intentions.
hahaha. cam bangang je p susahsusah google maksud perkataan alah tu kt wikipedia. =P
hurm mesti korang pelik nape tetibe aku post pasai neh. hahha. aclty aku bosan. so teringat lak kat hobbi aku yg satu dalam seribu ni. STALKING. =P
aku suke stalking wall kengkawan kt FB. korang jgn misunderstand lak. just for fun je. nk taw perkembangan diorang. wakaka~
sharing some feeling while stalking wif u, i tell u what, stalking kekadang bley wat kite senyum sorangsorang, sakit aty sorangsorang, sedih sorangsorang. ye la,,nk habaq suke kt owang tu da ta mampu, hanye stalking je la yg TERmampu.
*opps. statement tersalah taip tu. huahua~
kekadang jugak,,stalking bleh sebabkan kite misunderstand kat somebody tu. ta kesah la kawan ke, sapesape ke.
aku plak..
da addict nge mende alah ni..stalking molking wall orang especially kt fb. kekadang tuu, orang yg aku xbpe kenal pon aku stalking gak. pasangan-pasangan merpati dua sejoli kt kolej, majoritinye aku kenal. ye la,,stalking pnyer pasai. *padan muke kan, suke mencapub sgt. skg kan da jd mgsa aku. amekk ko! hakshaks~
mgkin orang xsuke bile dstalking,, even aku sendiri pon x bape suke. rase macam hak privacy d ceroboh. tapi tapi tapi..kalo x nak org taw x payah la nk publish mende tu kt public an? btoii x ?
*cubaan membackup diri ni* hahaha!
OK, ak suke stalking.
tp ak x suke d stalking.
x rase nk bagi penampar ke kt org macam aku neh? haha.
p/s : segala coretan diatas adalah kerana aku buhsan. kiddim is under progress. haha
hurm mesti korang pelik nape tetibe aku post pasai neh. hahha. aclty aku bosan. so teringat lak kat hobbi aku yg satu dalam seribu ni. STALKING. =P
aku suke stalking wall kengkawan kt FB. korang jgn misunderstand lak. just for fun je. nk taw perkembangan diorang. wakaka~
sharing some feeling while stalking wif u, i tell u what, stalking kekadang bley wat kite senyum sorangsorang, sakit aty sorangsorang, sedih sorangsorang. ye la,,
*opps. statement tersalah taip tu. huahua~
kekadang jugak,,stalking bleh sebabkan kite misunderstand kat somebody tu. ta kesah la kawan ke, sapesape ke.
aku plak..
da addict nge mende alah ni..stalking molking wall orang especially kt fb. kekadang tuu, orang yg aku xbpe kenal pon aku stalking gak. pasangan-pasangan merpati dua sejoli kt kolej, majoritinye aku kenal. ye la,,stalking pnyer pasai. *padan muke kan, suke mencapub sgt. skg kan da jd mgsa aku. amekk ko! hakshaks~
mgkin orang xsuke bile dstalking,, even aku sendiri pon x bape suke. rase macam hak privacy d ceroboh. tapi tapi tapi..kalo x nak org taw x payah la nk publish mende tu kt public an? btoii x ?
*cubaan membackup diri ni* hahaha!
OK, ak suke stalking.
tp ak x suke d stalking.
x rase nk bagi penampar ke kt org macam aku neh? haha.
p/s : segala coretan diatas adalah kerana aku buhsan. kiddim is under progress. haha
OK then. enuf enuf.
t8 care.
buhbye :)
dalam byk2 kafe kat kampus, suka makan kat kafe mana? kenapa ye?
haha. sory dude, kt kampus ade 1 cafe je. since kitrang dpt makan free. haha.
btw, thx fer asking. :D
suka tak orang2 kelantan? sesetengah org anti benar dgn org kelantan. anda?
well,,u're not supposed to asked me this since i'm kelantanese too. for sure la kan i like kelantanese. hahaha. tp fer certain cases, ade gak xsuke pasal org kelantan. biasela, laen orang, laen cara. so, just accept them as they are. one thing i dun like bout org kelantan is, SUKA makan mende2 manis. eiii uu . haha.
thx fer asking me Q.
Nov 13, 2010
salam !
finally MALAYSIAN UNIVERSITY ENGLISH TEST is over. waaa~~ sigh of relief. haha!
however, unsatisfaction occur among the candidates since the essay title fer extended writing is ;
in an arranged marriage, the choices of a husband or wife is made by parents or elders. what do you think of this practice in today's society ? discuss.
hurm. i feel like to throw away that paper into the dustbin. haha. i'm blanked. no points to write, so i just staring at the one of the handsome prefect. haha! *gatai nooe* :P
whatever it is, i wanna say HOOREYYY! becoz theres no need fer me to face the MUET things again. ;)
just sit and wait till the result will come out. hope to get the best result eventhough i couldnt manage to answer it very well :p
OK then.
gotta go.
t8 care :D
Nov 7, 2010
what is your name
hurm,,this question is not suppose to be asked actually. its already stated in my blog. however, i'll answer it anyway. my name is nurnadia fatihah. people called me nadia. n some of my friends( not some but all actually), call me noya.
nyway, thx for asking me question. :0
new diary
it's now 3.50pm n i've safely arrived at my lovely kolej mara kulim. haha! hurmm..what a bored day. there's nothing fer me to do since i've arrived in here early in da morning. after washing all the clothes i just stay in room and take a nap. great idea to update blog suddenly come. ^_~ .
OK, tomorro, 8th nov will be the second sem registration day fer all the matrixx n this really annoys me. how come they only give us just a week to refresh our mind, heart n soul after struggling fer da sem 1 final exam?there's another thing, i'm sick of b class n there's no reason why i'm like dat. erggh~ i'll turned up crazy continuing life like dis.
whatever it is, tomorro will be a new diary fer me. hurm,,a little frustration comes to mind when i couldnt manage to answer my PSPM well. well, starting from now onwards there will be no more postponing assignment, less enjoy and more study. haha. hope this is not only kata-kata manis ku. hahaha !
btw, gudluck to all friends. my college friends, my old lovely friends..
u too guys~
pray fer me. :))
thats all.
t8 care :D
Nov 4, 2010
long time no news..
lame gilew ta update blog.
cbuk ngat ngan final exam. then, lepas final lak, ive join a camp kt hutan belum. baleqbaleq umah jew, demam smpai ta leh bangun. hari ni baru ade kudrat nk update blog. hurmm.. since da lame aku ta update blog neh, so byk mende ak nk cite kt korang. either u like it or not, aku nk cite gak. muahaha ~
first cite ;
pasal final exam.
ergghhh, asalnye ak tanak cite sal mende neh tp tape lah. mende da jadik kan. study dah, usaha pon dah, so skang neh cume leh doa n tawakkal je la. btoi x ? actly, aku agak frust la ngan final exam ary tuh. entah nape, aku xleh jawab paper math padahal math la satusatu ye paper yg ak bleh score kalo compare ngan yg laen. entah la, ter-OVER confident kot. bio lak, aku xstudy sgt. mklumla, bio paper last. aku lak ta saba-saba nk cuti, so aku amik mudah je paper objektif tu. last2, hampeh. target ; 10/40 fer objective paper. ha-ha !
tapi walopon agak mustahil, omputih ckp ; IMPOSSIBLE, tp aku agak mengharapkan dpt 3.5pointer n above la. midsem ary tuh da melepas. tolong la TUHANKU :) palingpaling command pon, 4 flat da okei dh. hahaha :p malu giler kot ngan rumate aku, spm xla tggi sgt, tp manage to get 4 flat. ak neh ? ore klate oyak. RETI MAEN JAH. hahaks :p
second cite ;
pasal kem PPL
waa~~ sonok gilew kot nk citer pasal kem yg aku rase yg sgt menarik pernah aku join. best giler kot..kem PROGRAM PENDIDIKAN LUAR, kat hutan belum, PERAK. 27hb tue aku n the other camp members btolak dari kolej ke jeti tasik banding untuk tggu FERI tersayang kami.then baru la kitorang bertolak p pulau kitorang ; PULAU MARA a.k.a PULAU TIKUS. kat sana la macammacam yg kitorang wat.
banyak mende baru yg aku experience. berkayak, abselling, flying fox, berakit, jungle trekking, jumpe org asli ? haha. satu pengalaman yg agak menarik bagi aku. n aku berani kerat jari ah, orang laen pon feel the same way. nak2 plak 8 org je laki yang join. lagi la menarik. walopon habes muka aku sunburn n tangan aku saket2 n badan aku luke2, tapi kire berbaloi ah. agaknye bile lg la aku nk join lg kem cam ni. teringin nk ajak kawan2 skolah dulu p sana. tp bukan untuk camping, untok suke2. haha. best la kot dok tepi tasik.. tp yang paling mengerikan, 4 mari x mandi. hahahaha. *pengotor siot*
pengalaman yg paling aku xlupe, time abselling. tinggi gilew kot gunung tue, da la x rata. all the way turun, aku cume pikir kt umi aku jew. mane la taw kot2 pendek umo. haha. kayak lak mmg best tp agak sakit tuk aku nk mendayung. ye la, 3 jam kot kitorang kayak. ta leh blah la ckgu pon. igtkan balik tue diorang tunde, tp hampeh. angan2 hanye tinggal angan2. haha :p
tp 1 mende aku xsuke, kitorang kena wat report bertaip pasal kem tue.
arghhh. MR.burn, kamu sungguh byk songeh :P
okeh lu. stakat neh tu je la cite yg aku ade.
salam perantauan dari nadia.
haha :)
t8 care.
c ya!
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