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Feb 21, 2012

back alive.


Dah lama blog ni koma kan? no time, no mood untuk update lorh. haha. dah dekat 3 bulan kot.
And today when there is nothing to do, terasa rajin la pulak nak update as hari tu ada orang komen blog ni dah bersawang. Labah dah beranak pinak, katanya. Well, i take it as a compliment. Wekk.

Hari ni, hari kedua of the 2nd semester. So far, not attending full lectures yet, cuma briefing je. And as usual, awal-awal sem ni kena la beli textbook semua kan. Baucer buku 1malaysia dah aku labur kat bookstore since hari pertama lagi.
Semangat kan? hemohemo~

well, those were registered course untuk sem ni. I have no idea what the world will happen this sem. Harapnye better than sem lepas la. Fighting!

p/s : will work harder untuk kembalikan zaman kegemilangan blog ni. haha

c ya!